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travel app
Travel SPA, frontend developed in React with Redux (RTK) for state management and Material-UI for the user Interface. Backend developed in Node.js, Express.js & MongoDB. Full CRUD functionality, authentication and authorization (credentials & oauth), password reset, image upload, content creation and update functionalities where users can create and edit their profiles, custom travel itineraries, comments, reviews and favourites.
Micogrid Creator - Energenious
UX-UI re-design, energenious flagship product
Re-designed of the company's flagship product's UI and UX
Account management app - Energenious
User portal, login and account management app
Design and implementation of user portal with login/signup functionality, SSO for all products, account management functionalities. Developed in React.js, Redux and Material UI.
Spreadhseet Widget - Energenious
spreadsheet widget, design and development
Design and partial implementation of Spreadsheet widget developed in Typescript and React with Material UI.